Data Governance

Do you struggle to maintain clean data across systems?  Does lack of data integrity prevent you from making good, reliable business decisions based on quality reports and analytics?

If you have only heard of the term “Data Governance”, this is what it seeks to fix.  There are often technical challenges to data integrity, but often bad data is related to people and processes as much, if not more, than the technology.  People don’t intentionally enter bad data, but policies can be confusing, data ownership may not be clear, and people may struggle to update multiple systems if needed. All of this leads to a lack of trust.  Trust in data is the biggest key to successful Business Intelligence and Analytics projects.

To build a good governance program, you need to include:

A review of the current state of data integrity
A review of the current state of procedures that are in place
Recommendations on what “good” data integrity looks like
Recommendations on what data governance processes should be put into place
Views into the ethical and regulatory concerns of managing customer data
Recommendations on what roles you need internally to manage data integrity and these processes
Recommendations on how to implement the new governance processes
A long-term view of the expected budget

Data Governance isn’t just an “IT issue”.  It’s an organization-wide process.  If you think “everyone is in charge” of it, then no one is really in charge of it.  A strong Data Governance program can make a real difference and is critical to data driven decision making.  Building a program is inherently strategic. Let us help.  For more information, contact us at