In Their Words: Jessica McCullars

Today we shine a spotlight on another remarkable member of #TheBestTeam at Proximo, our dedicated and dynamic data scientist, Jessica McCullars.

Jessica has been with Proximo for over 10 years. She chose Proximo for its “holistic view of development and performance, knowing that the more employees develop, personally and professionally, the better they will perform and the better the whole company will be”. She was also drawn to Proximo’s strong foundation of “doing the right thing, and not just for its clients”.

What is her favorite part about working at Proximo? Simply put, she said the people: “despite everyone being remote, everyone is very supportive and true experts in their fields.” She also values the diverse range of projects that feed her passion for solving complex puzzles through data analysis.

That passion for solving puzzles is a great fit for what Jessica says is her greatest skill: analysis. “Whether it's determining the proper statistical model to answer a quantitative question or summarizing hundreds of qualitative comments into a coherent story. I'm all about solving the puzzles to make sense of the data.”

Jessica has used those analytical chops to accomplish lot at Proximo. However, if she had to select a single proudest achievement, it would be the health equity program she helped develop. This program “allows clients to go beyond just the economic impact of the dollars they are spending to see the impact on health, safety, and overall well-being”.

Jessica noted that “in my career, I am very proud that I have been able to sustain my family doing something that I love!”. She particularly beams about her children: “They amaze me every day! I have three very active children, so when I’m not working, I’m with them. I take to them to practices, games, and competitions.”

Wrapping things up with a couple personal favorites, we asked Jessica her favorite food. You’ll find her in the candy aisle, as she said, “I am a third-generation chocoholic!”

Finally, Jessica was posed the question “if you could see any band or artist (dead or alive) who would it be and where?” and gave one heck of a response: “This is a very difficult question for someone with a tendency to overanalyze things! Plus, I've made it a point to see my most loved artists over the years. I think if I could see anyone, it would be when Louis Armstrong played with Ella Fitzgerald, at a small dive in New Orleans or the Hollywood Bowl. They were brilliant together.”


David Ricciardi